Neoclassic Traditional Style Home Reveal | Los Angeles, CA

Neoclassic Traditional style theme is perfect for a Los Angeles home. Airy, comfortable, and tranquil are a few characteristics of Michelle Anaya’s latest project. Yet another gorgeous project complete by Michelle. Her architectural designs are always beautiful, warm and inviting. [...]

Ventura Marina French Oak Installed In Fairport, New York

Ventura Marina French Oak Installed in Fairport NY Ventura, Marina, French Oak looks amazing inside this new model home in New York. Installed by Fedyk Builders Inc., who clearly did an amazing job transforming this house into the perfect home [...]

Marina Ventura Photos From Architect Michelle Anaya In Rancho Palos Verdes, California

"The new wood floors made such a difference!!" We received these photos from an architect who works out of the Rancho Palos Verdes in California. Here are series of before and after photos from a home in Rancho Palos Verdes. They [...]

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